212-404-8090 contact@wellmedny.com


A Nutritionist is an expert in the relationship between food and health and works with patients to apply principles of nutrition for disease prevention and in promoting a healthy lifestyle. Dr. Jamieson, as a nutritionist and board certified chiropractor, works with individuals or groups to plan healthy diets. He works one-on-one with patients who face specific health concerns, such as diabetes, weight loss/ gain and hypertensive individuals. He also gives information how to incorporate nutrition in your daily life, for the conditions you are suffering from and the betterment of your overall health. His nutritionist dietitian plan is framed around the core principles of a healthy life and uniquely focused to your specific needs.

Nutrition and Diet Guidance

Our experienced nutritionist Dr. Jeffrey Jamieson is consulted by many Fortune 500 companies to provide health lectures and seminars. Read his guide to health and weight on a busy schedule. The guidelines proposed in his lecture on weight less on a busy schedule are built upon the principles of a happy and healthy lifestyle. Set up a consultation with nutritionist Dr. Jeffrey Jamieson to have a specialized plan developed to your unique lifestyle and health goals.

Stress Reduction and Management

The nutritionist dietitian plan starts before you even alter your food consumption or increase physical activity. The management of stress to a healthy level along with the proper amount of rest is paramount no matter what you health goals are. This is expressively important in the work based metropolis we are centered in. Having a productive and successful work ethic does not require the abandonment of healthy eating and living. On the contrary a healthy regiment of nutritious food, physical activity and proper sleep with propel your work performance.

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20 East 46th Street, 9th Floor
New York, NY 10017